We all have known them.. Blokes who form part of the industry and for one reason or another have attracted a nickname.. Here's some nicknames I've heard over the years..
4 Balls... Given to a bloke with an unusually deep voice.
Applause...given to an FO because he's had the clap a few times.
U Shit Me.. Given to a bloke as it rhymes with his surname.
Hostie Humper... For obvious reasons.
Yorick Hunt... Say it fast..
Captain Towball... He has no hair.
Captain Broken arse... For obvious reasons..( oxy mask got used with this bloke )
Blister.. Because he shows up after the hard work is done.
Perry Mason... Name given to baggage handler who handled one case per week.
The Flange.... Not going there!
Sunburnt Donger...name given to FO who was partial to getting gear off.. Say no more.
I'm sure I'll think of more... Few to get started..