Avalon 2023

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Avalon 2023

Postby Adam the Akrodude » Fri Mar 10, 2023 4:32 pm

To those that went, what did you think?

To me it was a very watered down Avalon this year. No historic aircraft other than one Tiger moth in a 3 x trainer a/c fly by. Very few warbirds - TAM/100 Sqn sent a Canberra, A-37 and a Spity Mk.XIV (no show at the show). HARS sent nothing. No Army aviation flying either. There was no combined forces display - the repel the baddies from the airfield scenario which has been quite good in the past telling the story of how all these assets come together. No BUFF on the ground.

One new good thing where the ROKAF "Golden Eagles" who put up a cracker of a formation aerobatics display and bravo to them. I thought I'd never have to say this, but there was too much of the airshow aerobatics stuff - all very good, but used more I think to fill in for other assets not usually in the display?

The drive down was bad enough on the Friday trade day - one hour to get to Avalon by car (no problem) - another whole hour to get in and park in bumper to pumper traffic midday Friday! On Saturday and Sunday, some suffered over four hours to get to the airshow with some missing more than half the flying display - appalling.

This will make some of you laugh. The F-35 display was late in the afternoon and I bugged out beforehand to attempt to beat the Friday arvo traffic home (failed). I had planned to go on Sunday again to meet some friends, so though, not worries, the F-35 display is earlier on Sunday thus lighting better for photos so all good see it then - EPIC FAIL! Being shagged on Friday evening, I left booking my ticket to Saturday morning (no ticket sales at the gate this year for the first time - all online booking only). Went online Sat morning to book my ticket and computer said NO - fully booked! AARRRGGGGHHHHHHHH! FFS YGBSM!

Avalon had a new organiser this year and in my humble opinion, they've some learning to do. Avalon was sanitized this year - more corporate, less carnival and even the big end of the military flying was watered down - it was diet-lite Avalon this year. To any that went, what are your thoughts?
Adam the Akrodude
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Re: Avalon 2023

Postby BradG » Sat Mar 11, 2023 7:24 pm

Knew a few people who went and they said it was shit and quote "never again".

Glad I didn't pop the cash for gold class tickets which I was going to do, but ended up just playing cricket. I didn't bat, didn't bowl and still think I had more fun than I would have at Avalon. No warbirds cos the organisers won't pony up the cash for fuel.
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Re: Avalon 2023

Postby Cap'n Wannabe » Sun Mar 12, 2023 4:58 pm

I went three times this year. After about an hour, I was bored. The only flying that interested me was the Black Eagles. The Super Hornet was pretty meh....fly by, drop some flares, fly back, drop some flares...
Interesting points were the display of R/C models in the GA marketplace and some of the aircraft there, and the gentleman who was selling bits and pieces from mostly WW2 aircraft mounted on plaques. Good thing I didn't have to pay to go...and missed the traffic on the weekend 'cos I was playing charter pilot..
Pretending to do it TAC style with the big boys since 1987
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Re: Avalon 2023

Postby tor lives » Mon Mar 13, 2023 8:08 am

I was really disappointed that I didn't get to go this year but, from what I hear, I didn't miss much.
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Re: Avalon 2023

Postby oz rb fan » Mon Mar 13, 2023 2:24 pm

my father and brother inlaw went on Friday and Saturday and just getting there was bloody horrible from dads point of view...they ended up going by train on Saturday and were much more relaxed..but even dad thought the show was disappointing so i think I'm glad i didn't go and unless things change i doubt i'll be going again....save my money for Tyabb i think
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Re: Avalon 2023

Postby BradG » Mon Mar 13, 2023 8:43 pm

There's always the Benalla Air Show coming up this weekend. Seems more fairly priced at 40 bucks a head, although I don't see the point in driving that far and paying cash to see aircraft fly I've seen before. Will be sinking cans at the cricket club.
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Re: Avalon 2023

Postby RayS » Tue Mar 21, 2023 7:46 am

...and for those in Adelaide :-) there is the Barossa Airshow on 16 April. $30 entry

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