Challenge Build 737-268C - AIR SAUDIA -

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Challenge Build 737-268C - AIR SAUDIA -

Postby TheChronicOne » Sun Sep 02, 2018 2:38 am

Now this will be fun!!! Well, I think. I ain't never built a 737-200. I built the Minicraft 400 (very nice kit there in my opinion , and my first true passenger carrying airliner build) but this is the first 200 but it should be a pretty easy build, right? I mean, lots to fill in because I'm deleting the window openings, but I have worked on an Airfix airliner (the infamous chameleon BAC 111) so I sort of know what to expect w/ regard to the doors and such.


Just look at it! So shiny and nice! It has all my favorite colors, in different shades, and a glorious quad cheatline. Shiny NMF, not-overstated ridiculous logo/branding, and even some nice grey stuff going on. Some of this might be masking hell but I hope not. I need to get some of that 1mm bendy tape. Also, this one is unique in that each side of the airplane is different. On both the fuselage and fin the airline name is English on one side and Arabic (I guess??) on the other with them alternating. Like on the picture there.... English on the tail, Saudi on the fuselage and the other side is the other way around. Pretty unique I think!

I have one question. I want to put something on the decals before I try to use them to keep them from shattering. They are quite old and I just tried using some similar (same company and era, ATP) and they flew into billions of little pieces. What is the best stuff to use? I don't have an airbrush so whatever is needs to brush on or come in aerosol.
Last edited by TheChronicOne on Mon Dec 10, 2018 8:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Challenge Build 737-200 - AIR SAUDIA -

Postby Graeme H » Sun Sep 02, 2018 9:21 am

Microscale make a product called Decal film which you can coat the decals with, or the alternatives are just plain old gloss coats, the acrylic ones are probably better, these are nearly all self levelling, so brush marks shouldn't show, as always try it on one that doesn't matter, the big ones like the cheat line and fin are the hardest ones, take care getting them off the sheet, and probably best to allow extra time soaking to make it easier.
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Re: Challenge Build 737-200 - AIR SAUDIA -

Postby Ansett A330 » Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:11 pm

TheChronicOne wrote:I have one question. I want to put something on the decals before I try to use them to keep them from shattering. They are quite old and I just tried using some similar (same company and era, ATP) and they flew into billions of little pieces. What is the best stuff to use? I don't have an airbrush so whatever is needs to brush on or come in aerosol.

So you are using an ATP Sheet?

TheChronicOne wrote:Also, this one is unique in that each side of the airplane is different. On both the fuselage and fin the airline name is English on one side and Arabic (I guess??) on the other with them alternating. Like on the picture there.... English on the tail, Saudi on the fuselage and the other side is the other way around. Pretty unique I think!

Interesting as the Avigraphics Sheet seems to imply that it alternates "Big-Little-Tail" "English-Arabic-Arabic" "Arabic-English-English"?


Must have a look for some more photos.

EDIT : Yes it looks like it depends on the particular Rego at a particular time.
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Re: Challenge Build 737-200 - AIR SAUDIA -

Postby TheChronicOne » Mon Sep 03, 2018 12:10 am

Thanks fellas!! I'll pick up some of the Microscale decal film.

Yes, ATP.

I tried the Pacific Express ones and they obliterated. However, I have other ATP sheets, including one that is just windscreens and windows and I used the BAC 111 windows and it didn't shatter. It didn't want to com off the sheet, however, but they stayed together so I'm hoping these will work.
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Re: Challenge Build 737-200 - AIR SAUDIA -

Postby TheChronicOne » Mon Sep 03, 2018 10:02 am

Ok, I'm about to get started!

I am so relieved! Very first thing I did was try the transfers and they work great! I used a single layer strip of spare letters they provide on the sheet then just to make sure I tested some of the same from my Pacific Express sheet just to make sure it wasn't just multiple layers on the cheatline that were the problem. The single layered letters shattered just like the cheatline, though, so that means we're good to go because the layers aren't the problem. I won't need any decal fix!

It's a little late in the day, but I can go ahead and start checking everything out and see what needs to be done to close in the windows.

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Re: Challenge Build 737-200 - AIR SAUDIA -

Postby hrtpaul » Mon Sep 03, 2018 8:02 pm

Great to see ya involved mate. Cracker scheme so I'll be keen to see you work your magic on this one :)
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Re: Challenge Build 737-200 - AIR SAUDIA -

Postby TheChronicOne » Thu Oct 25, 2018 9:56 am

Thanks, Paul!

Well, the time has finally come! I'm definitely working "full swing" on this one now. The way I filled in the windows meant it took them ... like... ..5-6 weeks to dry (I'LL NEVER USE THIS METHOD AGAIN!!!!! Lets just say it involved lots of solvent and styrene and it took eons to dry . . . .. ) but they finally did so I've sanded the piss out of the the stuff and finally added weight and glued the fuselage halves together. Yay Airfix, this boxing came packaged with nose weight so I didn't have to find any. 8-) 8-)

So, now, the fuselage halves are together and I'm sanding away the seams, raised detail, and the areas where I filled in the windows and glued all the doors on. It's not looking too bad. I just glued in the clear windscreen piece and will add some more glue to that stuff (fit is pretty poor, by the way..) then the whole nose area needs to be gone over with some sanding then I'll prime it and see what areas need skim coating with glazing putty.

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Re: Challenge Build 737-200 - AIR SAUDIA -

Postby F-27pax » Thu Oct 25, 2018 9:59 am

Those are some nice decals. It should turn out well.
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Re: Challenge Build 737-200 - AIR SAUDIA -

Postby TheChronicOne » Thu Oct 25, 2018 11:03 am

I sure hope so, brotha!!

I agree... I fell in love with the scheme the moment I saw it and instantly ran to look for decals and I was so happy to see that they're out there. ATP stuff is glorious. It's a shame they're not still around. It's nice that Avigraphics makes a sheet as well. I like to know that if I somehow butcher these the chance exists for me to find an Aviegraphics sheet or another ATP one.

I can not wait to see this thing finished.. I just hope I don't screw it up... :P
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Re: Challenge Build 737-200 - AIR SAUDIA -

Postby TheChronicOne » Mon Nov 12, 2018 8:36 am

Doesn't look a whole lot different, but a lot of hard fought PSR has gone into the fuselage here...... There will be more PSR work to be done (I can even see some of it in the windows area I think) but it's at the point where it's harder and harder to tell without the aid of primer to give this sucker a nice even color. So, that's next. Problem is, I'm flat ass broke and am out of primer and can't go get any more!!! So, for now, the project is on hold. I can paint the landing gear and that's it.... those are primed but nothing else is. I can't do any more construction, either, because it's done already. So... I've worked myself into a corner! Ha!!! But that's fine with me. I'll get these gear painted and then I can't say, "Well, there's still this left to do..... "


So there we have it. Hopefully at this point it won't be long before I can actually paint the thing. Once I buy my primer and put it on, it would be a nice treat to discover that the remaining PSR is very minimal! Wishful thinking but ya never know! :P :mrgreen:
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