As promised, I have pics. But a little context first. This is where the big Fokker is up to.

The dreaded scribing continues

I'm starting to think this was a bad idea and maybe I should quit while I'm ahead and cover it all up again. Decisions decisions.

Anyways when I pulled the fuse out of the box I noticed a big hole in the nose where superglue had once been. Years ago, I was sanding the horrible nose profile I actually went down to the superglue that was holding the lead weight in before I changed the latters position. So I glued some sheet plastic inside the nose wheel well and filled the hole with scrap plastic. I'm on to round 2 of filling and sanding this

And because I don't have enough scribing to go on with, I got distracted and decided I wasn't keen on the kit exhaust so built some new ones. After a quick trip to the LHS to pick up some appropriately sized tube, it was time to crack on. They came up really nice and looked heaps better than the kit ones as you can see in the photos. The angle isn't great but I can assure you they are almost indenticle, not really sure how I fluked that though

Job done................. or so you'd think. When I checked a couple of pics whilst positioning the exhausts in the nacelle, I noticed that they should protrude a bit more than the ones I'd just built

Well Capt OCD paid me a visit and I built another set of much long exhausts, V2.0. They can however be seen if one looks in the wheel wells. Now given the butchery that's going on in there to get the metal U/C to fit, accuracy in there has gone right out the door. I'll painted them dark grey/black to hide them a bit more. I have also capped the inside end of the exhaust so you can;t see into the wheel well. So as these ones are a lot longer they have so much more depth to them and look even better that version 1.0. With how these and the metal U/C is fitted, all I have to remember to do is stick the U/C legs in before I stick to exhausts in for good. Otherwise there could be a few naughty words emanating from the modelling room.

V2.0 were a lot quicker to make considering the practice I'd aready had and both are now done.

Now to put them somewhere safe so I don't lose them. Regarding the shithouse scribing effort, my main issue is consistency of the lines I scribe, they're all over the place. Not to mention I then try to correct them and make even more work for myself. I might finish the forward fuselage, give it a coat or 2 of primer and see how it looks under some paint. Then I can decide if I continue scribing or not. See how we go.